Who We Are

PTO is a formal organization made up of parents, teachers, and staff whose primary goals are to support Sandburg Elementary in its academic endeavors, encourage parent involvement, support teachers, and organize family events. 

Anyone is welcome to participate in and contribute to the PTO's mission. You are a valued member of this community and your individual thoughts, ideas, and actions are what makes a difference. The PTO exists not only to support Sandburg as a school, but all members of its community. If there is something we can do to serve you, please let us know!


Have questions? Email us at Sandburgpto@gmail.com


  • View the 2024-25 Sandburg PTO Budget - Coming Soon!
  • Need a PTO expense reimbursed? Fill out this form and submit.

2024/25 PTO Executive Board

President | Lindsey Blankenship, sandburgpto@gmail.com


1st Vice President | Jenn Bush


Treasurer |  Kelley Reppe


Recording Secretary | Kate Ryan and Stacy Cote


Teacher Liason | OPEN


Communications Chair | Robyn Kline, sandburgptocomms@gmail.com


Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) | Melissa Kurup


Social Chair | Sophia Meyer


Fundraising Chair | Tanya Hedges


Member at Large | Laura Sweeney


Committee Chairs

DAC Representative | Jenn Bush

Field Day Chair | OPEN


Hospitality Chair | Laura Sweeney and Kate Ryan


Joint PTO (scholarship fund) | OPEN


Library | Marisa Mitchell

Littleton Stride Chair | Amy Edstrom


Lost and Found | Jenn Bush


Out & About Coordinator | Elizabeth McCullough


Room Parent Coordinator | Amy Nelson


Run4Funds Chair | Monica Dosen


Social Media Chair | Angela Hunt

Spirit Wear/School Supply Kit Coordinator | Lindsay Krupp


Street Smarts Program Coordinator | Elizabeth McCullough

Teacher Cart Coordinator | Jena Fleming


Website | Jaime Ryan


Carl Sandburg School Accountability Committee (CSSAC)

District Accountability Liaisons | Jenn Bush and Kate Ryan


Voting Parent Members | Elizabeth McCullough, Melissa Kurup and Emily Boone


Principal | Keri McCabe


Teacher Representatives | OPEN




Bylaws: Updated September 2, 2020 can be found HERE


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