Get Involved

Our school would not be the wonderful place it is without YOU!  There are many ways for all parents to help the PTO.  Your time and talents are valuable assets – each of them enhances and enriches our school.  Whether you have the time to chair a committee, or just an hour or two here and there to help out, your contribution makes a difference!


For any questions on how to volunteer please contact us at


Here are just some ways to get involved at Sandburg:

Executive Committee

PTO Board Member: Want to see the workings of our school, help make decisions and get to know more families?  There are always opportunities to step up to be on the PTO Executive Board. This committee works within the Bylaws to run the non-profit Sandburg PTO. Roles include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Communication Chair, Fundraising Chair, Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Coordinator, Social Chair and Member at Large.


Chair A committee

Room Parent Coordinator: responsible for recruiting parent volunteers to be the room parents for their child’s class. The Room Parent Coordinator then holds a training session to teach the room parents how to perform their responsibilities which include planning a Halloween Party and a Valentine’s Day Party for the class among other things. The Room Parent Coordinator supports the room parents throughout the school year.


Library Volunteer Coordinator: Help Mrs. Mosley, the librarian, coordinate and schedule volunteers for library shifts. Volunteers help the library staff by checking in books and organizing the library. 


Sandburg Out and About Chair:  Organize Sandburg Out & About events at local restaurants. These nights happen once or twice a month at various restaurants around town and are a great way to get to know people in the Sandburg Community while raising money for the school.


Social Media Chair: Make weekly posts to Sandburg's social media sites (Facebook and Instagram).


Spirit Wear Coordinator: School t-shirts and gear provide us with a way to encourage school spirit for activities and events here on campus. The Spirit Wear Coordinator will work directly with 1st Place Spiritwear and pass along promotions to the Communications Chair for the newsletter.


Teacher Cart Coordinator: Responsible for organizing the snacks in the teachers lounge.


Street Smarts Program Chair: Help lead Sandburg in our ‘Street Smarts’  SouthGlenn receipt collection program and serve as liaison between ‘Street Smarts’ and Sandburg.


Littleton Stride Chair: Help promote the Littleton Stride event within Sandburg and try to get as many Sandburg families to participate as possible. Volunteers may organize a Sandburg tent at the event with refreshments for our Sandburg team.


Run4Funds Chair: Help organize our largest fundraiser of the year - the annual Run4Funds event.


Field Day Chair: Assist Mr. Rowe with planning games/themes and organizing volunteers for this event. Field events take place at Cherry Knolls Park in May as we close out the school year with some fun in the sun.


Join a Committee

Hospitality Committee: Organizes monthly treats for staff and decorates staff lounge, plans classified staff appreciation week (fall) and all staff appreciation week (spring).


Social Committee: Work with the Social Chair and members to organize and coordinate fun social events for Sandburg. These events may include family dances, holiday celebrations/fairs, and any new ideas that the committee comes up with. The committee also puts together the Back-to-School Breakfast, New Family events, and Fall Festival/Picnic to name a few. Previous events have included movie nights, family game nights and family picnics.


Fundraising Committee: Work with the Fundraising Chair and members to organize and coordinate fundraising events for Sandburg. These events may include teacher raffle, Charleston Wrap, Bingo & Bags, read-a-thon, and any new ideas that the committee comes up with. The committee also works with the social committee on events that overlap.


5th Grade Continuation Committee: Fifth graders do a service project, have a special 5th grade day with an in-school or on-campus “field trip”, and then the volunteers plan the continuation day on the last day of school in May.


More Volunteer Opportunities:

Library Volunteer: Books! Books! Everywhere books! Volunteers help the Librarian by checking in books and organizing the library. All training is provided with no library experience necessary. It is a great place to become familiar with our resources at Sandburg, as well as the children. You can volunteer during your child's scheduled library time. Volunteer once a week or once a month.


Playground Pals: volunteer on the playground to play ball or organize a game with students.


Classroom Volunteer: The organization of classroom volunteers is typically handled by the teacher on a per class basis. There are opportunities throughout the year to help in your child's classroom. Reading, math, parties, etc. A fun way to see what your kids are learning and get to know their friends and teachers!


Room Parent:  The Room Parents encourage parents to sign up to help with the class parties, communicate with class regarding potential volunteer opportunities, organize the class auction project, help with a booth at Fall Festival and often organize appreciation opportunities and gifts for the teacher.


Art Room Co-Parent: Help the art teacher with hanging artwork and organize additional volunteers as needed.


Music Room Co-Parent: Help Mrs. Carter, the music teacher, with school music productions throughout the year. Help prepare costumes and props for programs (4 total). Help hang decorations/sets on stage for programs. Gather other parent volunteers for classroom music needs. This volunteer does not need to have a music background!


Book Fair:  The Book Fair takes place before the Thanksgiving break in November in the Sandburg library. Volunteers work shifts during the book fair, helping with sales, set-up and tear-down.


Field Day: Field events take place at Cherry Knolls Park in May as we close out the school year with some fun in the sun. All students participate and enjoy the day. Volunteers help run the games and supervise students. An overall coordinator assists the P.E. staff with organizing volunteers for this event.


Jungle Ropes: a fun Physical Education learning experience that Mr. Rowe puts on (grades 1-5 only). Volunteer during your child's PE class to help kids with the cargo net and other rope activities. This event usually runs for a week at the end of February/beginning of March.


Vision and Hearing:  This service is available to all students and determines whether a student would need further testing from the district or private doctor. Volunteers walk the students to and from the screening bus. There is a screening in the fall and another at the beginning of the new year.


School Pictures:  Volunteers would be the liaison to the company coming to school to take the pictures and help the day of pictures.  This takes place in the first few weeks of the school year.


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