Playground Pals (Sandburg 3P)

Sandburg's Playground Pals Program (3P) is designed for parents to help the school staff promote an inclusive, safe, and fun environment during lunch recess. Playground Pals is a great way for parents to get involved in the kid’s school day while accommodating busy schedules. 
This program has the approval of Mrs. McCabe,  Para Support Staff, Teachers, and the PTO.  Now, all we’re missing is you!
In 2019 we successfully launched the Playground Pals Program with great support from the Sandburg Community.  We had over 20 parents registered on the active roster.  That is a good start, and our goal this year is to greatly increase program participation to benefit our kids. Sandburg 3P is open to all parents, grandparents, and guardians of Sandburg students. 

How it works:

You will be able to volunteer on a weekly basis through the Sandburg 3P SignUpGenius account. There will be two separate shifts available each school day:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
  • Shift 1: From 10:40 to 11:40 on the south playground

  • Shift 2: From 12:00 to 12:40 on the south playground


Wednesday and to be determined special schedule days


  • Shift 1: From 11:10 to 12:10 on the south playground

  • Shift 2: From 12:30 to 1:10 on the south playground

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